Roof Air Raising of the LNG tank

Utworzone: 24 June 2022

As a contractor of the steel part of the LNG tank, we took an active part in lifting the roof of the tank using the Roof Air Raising method.
Thanks to the huge commitment and effort of the KB Pomorze team, this exceptional engineering operation was carried out smoothly and safely.

Less than 4 hours was enough to push the 1,100-tonne LNG tank dome to a height of 41 meters.
The Roof Air Raising technology was used to raise the roof with an area of almost 8,000 m2. With the help of 6 blowers, the steel structure was pushed to the target height by the force of the forced air at a pressure of 0.02 bar. 120 employees took part in the roofing operation of the largest tank in the Świnoujście gas port (180,000 m3!).